CE’s must be monitored by registrants.
The Pharmacy Council arranges four (4) CE’s for the year. This notice is part of the registration package. The Pharmaceutical Association of St. Lucia Inc. may arrange other CE’s or notify registrants of CE’s by other organizations.
Please see the CE Constitution at this website.
The topics are chosen mostly by popular requests from registrants. The Council may also choose a topic, to address an area that the Council deems necessary.
Please use the guidelines for registration or contact the Pharmacy Council by email at pharmacycouncilslu@gmail.com.
The registration year is from January 1st to December 31st . Pharmacists must send all documents for re-registration by 31st of each year. First- time registrants must send in all documents by July 1st of each year.
Please see the guidelines for registration at this site.
First-time registration is registration of someone who has never been registered by the Pharmacy Council in St. Lucia.
Re-registration is registration of someone, who has been registered by the Pharmacy Council in St. Lucia. This process is annual as the certificate of registration expires on December 31st .
See guidelines for re-registration at this site.
Someone registering for the first time can send in all documents by mail, but must come in for an interview in person. The Pharmacy Council will arrange the date and time of the interview.
Pharmacists may apply for re-registration from outside St. Lucia, but all documents must be sent by mail.
Registration fees are paid to the Pharmacy Council, which in turn pays the fees to the Accountant General of the Government of St. Lucia.
Payment to the Pharmacy Council is made by a bank draft or personal cheque (residents of St. Lucia only).
See guidelines for registration at this site.